My husband and I went through the same thing when my daughter turned two took a month and a half of working with her constantly before she finally gave in. She was just stubborn. We called it "bottle boot-camp". We had to get her on a bottle or we were NEVER going to get a date night. All of the other methods didn't work for us - sippy cups, straws, medicine droppers, you name it...and we tried every nipple under the sun.
We just had to stay consistent, and and not get frustrated with her when she screamed.
It was a huge challenge, but today she is a perfect bottle eater... Hang in there!
I will tell you the bottle/nipple we had the most luck with I found at target. It's called Breastflow technology, by The First Years. It has two nipples pieced together and the top nipple is very soft and thin, more like mom's skin. You might give it a try.