Sometimes the best thing to do is to educate about bees. My stepdaughter was stung 3 times by a wasp and was terrified of them and wouldn't go outside. So we got some books about wasps and she learned about them and their habits. She learned that wasps get aggrivated when they are swatted at, and she got stung because she swatted at the wasp with a tennis racket and angered it. Now she knows that if a wasp comes near she should walk away. She should also avoid hitting things like trees and other places where they might live with a tennis racket.
We also learned that bees and wasps like sweet smells and soda pop. So if we are going outside she should not wear sweet-scented lotion or perfume. If she has pop outside we use a plastic cover (made for soda cans) to keep the bees out and so they aren't attracted.
I think 5-years old is old enough to learn about bees. I'd get a children's book about bees out of the library and sit with her and teach her about them. Then she can learn for herself about how they work, and that they are actually good little honey makers, and they won't bother her unless she scares them. Ask her lots of questions like "what can you do?" so she feels like she's coming up with the solutions.
Hope that helps!