This is not a good thing that you are dealing with here.If you don't take a stand right now;this will continue and may get worse.You need to tell your boyfriend how you feel about this whole situation.Haley doesn't need this kind of influence in her life.
Your boyfriend's daughter's behavior towards you may be cause you aren't her mom.And she doesn't like her dad with anyone else.Trust me i know cause i am a stepmom.But she is so young;her attitude shouldn't be like that.He needs to be more firm with her and not let her get away with things. He is letting her run all over him.
Haley is acting like this cause she sees his daughter acting this way.And she knows it is wrong,but she wants to do it anyway.My 7 yr old does the same thing.With lieing and not doing her homework.She sees her older brother doing it and wants to be like him.She knows that it is wrong,but does it anyway.I don't understand it. I know you are worried and very frustrated. No you aren't wrong for the way you feel.
If your boyfriend can't understand where you are coming from and doesn't want to do anything about;then maybe he isn't the one you ought to be with. I am very sorry that you are going through this. I hope that this helps you in some way.