My husband is an amateur bodybuilder, and I just entered my first figure competition this year. We have been working out and eating healthy for about 10 years. My husband often bulks up for a competition and then loses 50 lbs in 3 or 4 months. It's about manipulating your diet and working out with weight.
I work out with weights 4 times per week, and do cardio 2-3x per week. I only gained 15 pound when I was pregnant and weighed less than I did before I became pregant when she was born. My labor lasted 45 min. The doctor said this is because I was in good shape. I continued weight training througout the pregnancy.
Let me just say this: Curves does not work. The problem we have with Curves is that there is no weight. So, I asked the people of Curves what happens when the movement is too easy. They said you just move faster. This makes no sense.
The only way to lose weight and to make your body more toned at the same time is to eat healthy and lift weights. Not just 5-10 lbs either. You need to go a lot heavier, so that you can build up your muscle and burn the fat. For every pound of muscle you have on your body, you burn an extra 50 calories per day doing nothing.
For those that are afraid of getting big or bulky, it is impossible for a woman to get huge and overly muscular lifting weights without taking steriodal supplements. We just don't have the testosterone in our bodies.
That being said, I suggest a 4 day split with weights. In the beginning, you should do upper body on day one and then lower body on day two, and keep switching it up like that. When you learn more about proper form and are more comfortable with the weights, you can split your routine up by body parts.
Denise Austin is good, but she doesn't lift heavy enough. You should not be able to do more than 10-12 reps. If you can, the weight is too light. Also, you should complete at least 3 sets per body part, increasing in weight each time. Trust me, you will see results this way.
Also, people often think they are eating healthy, but really aren't sure what they should be eating. If you eat every 3 hours, it will rev up your metabolism, and you will actually lose more weight. I recommend eating about 1500 calories per day with a balance of protein, carbs, and fats. Incorporating protein shakes helps too. Scifit and Optimum are both very tasty brands that come in a variety of flavors. Also, 8 glasses of water per day is a good rule of thumb. More is better. Stay hydrated.
Here is a sample meal plan:
7am Egg white omelet (5 whites, one whole egg)
1/2 cup oatmeal
1/2 apple
10am protein shake
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1pm 4 oz chicken breast
1/2 cup green beans
1/4 cup brown rice
5pm 4oz steak or fish
1/2 cup green veggies
Before bed protein shake
This may seem like a lot of food, but trust me you won't go hungry. These types of foods rev up your metabolism. You will lose weight in the first week if you follow this type of plan. Also, have 1 cheat meal per week so you don't go crazy. Eat whatever you want for this meal, and don't feel guilty about it.
Incorporate cardio for 40min/day 4-5 times per week in addition to weights, and you will see big changes in your body. I always tell people, if you just do cardio, you will have a smaller version of your former shape when you lose weight. However,if you combine cardio and weights with healthy eating, you will actually change the shape of your body.
Any questions? Email me at