You need to do what you are comfortable with doing. I ended up using the CIO method with my older son and it worked out great. I needed to do it to keep my sanity, and he needed to learn how to sleep. I talked to my pediatrician about it, and he recommended it. He told me that it can take up to 14 days for it to work. Well, for us, it took the whole 14 days. Then, like magic, on the 15th day there was no more crying and he slept through the night. I had a very hard time doing this, so my husband helped a lot. I would get in the shower to drown out his crying (we were lucky though, he never cried for more than 20 mins)and if he cried in the middle of the night, my husband would remind me to not go in. Consistency is key! If you go in, you start the whole 2 weeks over. It may not take 2 weeks, you never know. My son is 5 now and is still a great sleeper. My pediatrician told me something that I am sure many others will disagree with, but he said that you need to teach your children to sleep. He said that if they want a candy bar and cry for one, do you give in and buy him one every time? It isn't exactly the same, but I felt a little better doing it at the time. Whatever you decide to do, good luck. Don't let others put you down for doing the CIO method, as every parent has to do what they feel is best for them and their child. Many parents have done the CIO method and their kids are not scarred. :)