Craniosacral Therapy - Essex Junction,VT

Updated on August 26, 2011
M.C. asks from Essex Junction, VT
6 answers

Has anyone sought craniosacral therapy to treat infant colic and if so what is your opinion on this therapy? My daughter was born at 35 weeks and is healthy but very colicy - I took her to a chiropractor who saw her 3 or 4 times and just suggested craniosacral therapy. Her pediatrician thinks she might have acid reflux so we're trying Prevacid but I'm very nervous about medicating her and thus looking for natural alternatives.


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answers from Madison on

I took both of my very colicy babies to have craniosacral therapy done on them. I SWEAR BY IT!!! Best thing I ever did for my kiddos. With my first baby I didn't learn about craniosacral therapy until she was 3 months old and nearing the end of the colicy phase, but it was MAGIC. When my second was born and developed colic around 6 weeks old I took him in immediately. It is AMAZING! I could go on and on with the night and day difference in them after they had treatments. But I will say that it does not work with just one treatment. Well, actually it does for a little while, but weekly treatments are very helpful because they are growing soooo fast and their little systems go through so many changes so quickly sometimes they have to go back in for "adjustments". I took my first weekly for 2 months, and my second weekly for 1 month. Worth every single penny! Also, it cured the reflux issues both of them had! They had terrible reactions to Prevacid and I didn't feel comfortable giving them meds at such an early age. Was able to take them off meds completely after just the first treatment. Highly highly recommend!

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answers from Colorado Springs on

I would try it. I haven't needed it, but I have friends who have seen excellent results for various ailments using this method.

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answers from Boston on

I have heard amazing things about craniosacral, it's definitely worth a try. I would also try finding a practitioner who knows how to test food sensitivities with kenisiology. My good friend just had this done with her twins(born at 35 weeks) who were very colicky. They had a hard time with dairy, eggs and gluten(through mammas milk). She took those foods out of her diet for three weeks and the colic completely stopped. I would definitely pursue eliminating offending foods, especially since you suspect acid reflux. Homeopathic remedies help as well(colic tableaux are good but you can find singular remedies for particular symptoms too. I did elimination diet with my colicky babies, but it didn't help completely. I wish I knew about kenisiology testing, it is so much more accurate!



answers from Springfield on

All of my kids have been to our CST and I'm going today, in fact. He's helped with ear infections and migraines in my oldest son. My other 2 kids went during their first week after birth and the difference in their sleep was tremendous.

Our CST is in Shutebury MA. I'm not sure how far that is from where you are in VT but I can get you his number if you want it.



answers from Seattle on

My daughter had it, although not for colic. It helped her and it helped me tremendously with both injuries and trauma after a fatality accident. Totally worth a try, I would do it if chiropractic didn't work!



answers from Las Vegas on

I did it for myself and truly didn't feel any different. however, when my son had Meningitis, a practitioner had come to the hospital and offered to do it.. Gotta say, my son who was 7 at the time, said he felt better . Also, my son did seem more relaxed .. and at the time, even IF that was all that came out of it, I would take it.. because his experiencing Meningitis was very stressful. so bottomline, if it helps to relax someone, then I think that also aids in healing..

Best of luck to you and yours..

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