Crafty Valentines Ideas for Ages 10 and Under

Updated on February 08, 2009
K.H. asks from Valrico, FL
6 answers

Hey there Mamas! I am having all my nieces and nephews over for a fun Valentine's Day party next Saturday and want to have some sort of craft for them to enjoy. It will be a mix of girls and boys ranging from 4 to 10. I would appreciate any ideas you may have! Thanks!

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So What Happened?

A great big thank you to the ladies who responded. I loved the ideas and ended up using several. We had a great day making valentines, drawing etc.. and playing with home made pink play dough. Later we played outside games (duck, duck, goose; red light- green light, etc.)The biggest hit was when we made ice cream sundaes with vanilla and strawberry ice cream. My mom ended up bringing all the "stuff" to dress up the ice cream and you can imagine how goopy and sugary those sundaes ended up! They had every kind of sauce and sprinkle imaginable! Whipped cream was piled a mile high! It was a hoot to watch and fun for them to have such creative freedom. Then they just played and enjoyed each other's company. It was a great day and one full of memories we will all treasure. I think this may become an annual event! Thanks again for all the ideas!! Love, K.

More Answers



answers from Lakeland on

Hi K.,
I'm a crafty Grandma. Can I put a word in here? I try to do crafts w/ my Grandchildren at least 1X/year.
How soed the idea of the little ones making Valentine cards strike you? You could have templates and crayons or water colors. You could also have small bags of candy that they could inclide. They could send them to parents or friends or whatever.
I have found that the older ones love to make placecards for a party or donner on the Holiday. If none are planning a get together maybe you coild have them make a stuffed cupod or go shopping and just see what is out there that woild make a great gift. They also love for their finished products to have not only their original touch but look professional.

Good Luck!! Let us know what you did.


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answers from Tampa on

Enjoy your children - they grow up and move on quickly.
(just like you did)

Enjoy Mark Victor Hansen, author of Chicken Soup books.


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answers from Tampa on

Sand bottles are fun to make and you can buy the kits at a craft store. In the kit you get colored sand and plastic bottles. Another fun thing is different size paper doilies, some Valentines, glue, scissors and construction paper. They can make their own Valentines for their parents. Look on line at the Family Fun Magazine. You can find lots of good ideas there. I used to make cupcakes for Valentines parties and not frost them or decorate them. Then I would put out the frosting and decorations at the party and let the kids have the fun. They loved it. We would do cut out cookies instead of cup cakes sometimes and they loved decorating them even more. You could have a Valentine Hunt, like an Easter Egg Hunt but hide Valentine stuff instead. Can be purchased at the Dollar Tree....

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answers from Tampa on


You can pick up a box of Valentine hearts and craft foam pieces and they can make their own Valentine cards or picture frames for their friends and family. You can get a box full at WalMart for $5.00 They usually are self-stick or all you need is Elmer's glue. If you have access to a camera and printer (or good old polaroid) you can put their picture in the frame or card.

You can also have the kids decorate their own Valentine desserts such as cookies, cupcakes, ice cream, etc. with red/white/pink sprinkles, frosting, caramel sauce etc. They have a ball when they can do it themselves!

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answers from Punta Gorda on

Michael's has a lot of cute stuff already piece counted with directions for you. If you wanted to order off the internet and thought you could get it in time for Saturday, I love Good Luck and Have fun.

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