Ha! We bought our house in 2008 and closed through CountryWide. Then of course it was transferred to BoA. However, when we tried to ask for help it was always the same question. Well how far behind are you? Well technically we aren't behind yet but we are gonna be and this process will continue unless we get some help. We were lied to when we tried to refinance-it was a big huge mess and J. by chance I got something in the mail for a Streamline Refinance and it was easy cheesy. I ended up getting our money back on the appraisal through BoA which I have heard is unheard of ....but they knew they had screwed everything up and told us a bunch of donkey lies.....we now have Wells Fargo and are much happier. That is who the broker sold it to when we refinanced through the program we did. It's my understanding though that it's no longer available. Of course I know you are not interested in a Refinance you J. want to rid of the mortgage and I had heard of that too and even read a story about a lady that had done that exact same thing for over 50 years! I read it on yahoo but now I cann't remember what happened or even how long ago it was. It's something I would check into for sure but let M. say this if it quacks like a duck it probably is a duck.