Hi Sherri,
The oldest cord blood bank in the country is Cord Blood Registry. Last week I was invited to a talk by the first scientist to ever bank cord blood. Hi son's blood was the first to be frozen. His presentation was powerful and informative. The applications for cord blood are growing annually and the reaearch that he showed us was compelling.
This organization also does do philanthropic work (they donate their services to families in need.) They are the leaders in the field. I would choose them because they are truly working on the research to help families with health issues.
Yearly there are new advances in what cord blood can be used for. Their web site is http://www.cordblood.com/
Please do your own reasearch and ask as many questions as you need to feel good about your choice. They will be helpful.
Good luck,
R. George,
Doula and Mother of Ben (almost 17!) and Daniel(almost 13!)
PS Their collection and storage method yeilds the most blood banked. ***Also ask for the collection kit with the bags- they also yield more blood- the nurses like them better than the other type.