Here is a little food for thought from Gloria Lemay:
About Cord Blood Collection
Never underestimate how much money can be bilked out of North American parents in the name of wanting the best for their children. I bet, in a few years, we will have a big scandal because:
-People paid money for cord blood storage and now the storage place has gone out of business and didn't notify anyone.
-Someone got the vials mixed up and now no one knows whose blood goes with whom.
-Some child gets HIV or hepatitis from what was supposed to cure her of cancer—oops, the vials got mixed up.
-There is a power failure and no one realizes all the blood thawed and now they don't know what to do.
Didn't we go through all this with sperm banks that anyone could open up with no control whatsoever? I think that as teachers and wise women, we must share this experience with the public. I have never been asked about this by clients, but I would tell them to invest their $1,500 (that's what it costs in Canada) in a midwife and/or doula, a new home freezer where they can freeze their whole placenta if they want, or their child's education fund.
I would then tell them the things I know "might" help reduce their child's chances of getting cancer:
-Compost, recycle and clean up the environment.
-Eat organic.
-Don't take drugs in birth or Vitamin K after.
-Don't have ultrasounds (including dopplers) or X-rays.
-Don't sit watching TV all day.
-Don't vaccinate.
The cord blood-banking phenomenon is another drive-through/fast food solution to the cancer scare by a continent full of people who don't want to do the hard work of really keeping our earth and children healthy. Midwives could cause an interruption in this escapism mentality by speaking up about these types of scams.
Gloria Lemay is a private birth attendant in Vancouver, British Columbia, and is a contributing expert at
Read more from Gloria on "Pushing for First-Time Moms" on Midwifery Today's Web site.
The Westside Birth Connection