Continuation of My Throat Issues

Updated on March 03, 2012
L.R. asks from Wind Gap, PA
7 answers

So My throat is not any better. The swelling comes and goes and the fever comes and goes. I have been tested for strep and mono and everything is negative. I have an appointment with an ENT on March 12. My friend who is a nurse said I may have peri tonsilar abscess. I looked it up and have all of the symptoms except one. Has anyone ever had this before and if so what did they do? My symptoms are:

Fever on and off
Swelling in entire throat to where it is hard to breath
Swelling on left side only and gland in neck on left side is huge
Hard swallowing
feeling like something is in my throat

I am so upset because I know something is wrong. I know my body and the Dr says nothing is wrong to take a prescription and be treated for something he doesn't know. I am not taking the antibiotic I have spent over $100 in the last month on medicine and it works for a few days and then I am sick again. I just dont know what to do anymore. I have done all of the home remedies and nothing is working.

What can I do next?

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answers from Erie on

I am currently being treated for tonsilitis with a possible abcess (I have had two injections of steroids to reduce swelling and am on a heavy antibiotic after she tried to drain the area by cutting). I suggest calling the ENT back and explaining that your swelling and pain is asymetric. When I told the doc that, they immediately became concerned about a potential abcess (since tonsilitis is typically on both sides).

In my case, the fever ebbed and flowed but the swelling never did. I go back to the ENT on Tuesday. If things aren't where they need to be, she said she'll do a CT scan to make sure that there isn't something still there.

Hope you find some comfort soon :)



answers from Pittsfield on

When you made the appt with the ENT for the 12th, did you tell them you had swelling in your entire throat to where it is hard to breathe? If not, call back and see if they can get you in sooner. If they can't, ask to be called if there are any cancellations. I would think w/ symptoms like you have, they wouldn't make you wait. Or, are there other ENT's in the area that could see you sooner?

My husband is a nurse and has told patients who were frustrated that the squeeky wheel gets the oil- sometimes you need to be a squeeky wheel ;)

I hope you feel better soon!!! =o)



answers from Philadelphia on

My sister had a case of strep that wouldn't go away and turns out she has allergies. It's called oral allergy syndrome and she's allergic to fresh fruits and vegetables. I would also see an allergist if you can't get relief and also try to see the ENT earlier. If you have a lump somewhere, get it checked out ASAP. Go to the ER if you can't breathe.


answers from Lakeland on

Has your doctor tested you for mumps?
You could have a mild case.



answers from Honolulu on

If you have some kind of infection somewhere, an Antibiotic may help.

Or, have your Doc refer you to an ENT Specialist.

Or do you have any tooth infections?

Fever is usually indicative of some kind of infection.
I would take an antibiotic and see if that helps.


answers from Chicago on

Can you try an antinflamitory for now and hold off until you see the ENT? I understand that this must be annoying and difficult to deal with but it seems that you have looked into all other options at this point.


answers from San Antonio on

Not sure if I have ever given this to you before, but here is a website I like to go to for different home remedies. It is great because normal people like you and me go on there and tell whether the remedy worked or not.
For abcesses and infections there is a remedy using Tumeric. The yellow indian spice. Check it out.
Hope you feel better soon!

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