Sorry, but get used to it. A toddler has VERY little control over his own life- everyone is always telling him where he has to go, what he has to do, when and what he can eat, etc. So the whole potty thing gives him some control both over his own body and also a bit of control over the adults around him who drop everything and take him to the toilet. As long as he is peeing every time, continue to take him. He is still learning to control the urges to go, alongside all of the power control he is experimenting with. I would NOT allow him to play at all in the bathroom, though. Do your business, wash hands, go. At home, don't wait until he asks you-- you should be asking him constantly if he needs to go and taking him to the potty before he says he needs to go. Good luck-- the whole potty training stage is like nothing else in the world!! Some pick it up quickly and some drag on for months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!