What about pumping and then giving him a bottle, his face won't be smashed against a breast and he can take a breath easier through his mouth without losing the latch? My kids weren't stuffy either when teething just drooled more.
My 10 month old has been stuffy and having trouble breathing for the last couple of weeks. I know that it is because he has 2 teeth coming in. I have tried using a vaporizor at night to clear him up but that has not worked. He snores so loud. I have noticed my milk supply going down becuase he is not able to nurse like normal. Does anyone have a suggestion to help him with his congestion?
What about pumping and then giving him a bottle, his face won't be smashed against a breast and he can take a breath easier through his mouth without losing the latch? My kids weren't stuffy either when teething just drooled more.
Hi A.,
All 3 of my kids had the same problem when they were going through their teething stage. I use and used "Little Noses" saline spray/drops, I have it out right now because I have a stuffed up little teether that actually seems to like the stuff, when I bring it out he gets excited and ready for the stuff by looking up. This stuff is so safe that you can use it whenever you want, I even use it on myself to loosen things up, then it'll clear out and easy to breath. It just doesn't last too long, so add the drops right before eating and sleeping, also when taking a decongestant for quick relief. I hope my input helps.
I used a saline spray (but drop it in while lying down instead of spraying) and massage his sinuses from bridge of nose down to his nostrils and then out along the lower part of his cheekbones. After that, I would use the suction bulb given at the hospital. He hated it, but it helped. You could also try using breastmilk in his nose as the drops instead of saline. My son wasn't very thrilled with me during this process, but he would finally put up with most of it because it helped.
He is old enough to drink some water out of cup (sippy, straw, regular) and this might help to loosen the mucus, also. Drinking lots of water usually helps to loosen things up.
Also, try some teething drops regularly, like chamomile or Boiron teething drops. The tablets could work, too. If the teething is more comfortable, your son might not have as much negative reaction to the teething.
Good luck.
I added the Vicks Soothing Vapors Waterless Vaporizer to combat the stuffy nose and it worked well in conjunction with the regular vaporizer/humidifier. Also, if you can maneuver into the position, breastfeeding while having the child sitting up will likely help. As awkward as they can be to use, those bulb syringes can help clear out the mucus. Baby Center had a good article on how to use them correctly:http://www.babycenter.com/0_how-to-use-a-bulb-syringe-to-...
I know someone else recommended teething tablets. I haven't used these myself but my sister-in-law swears by them. I'd check with your pediatrician, though, as mine had some objection to them. (I can't remember what it was but I think there was some ingredient she wasn't thrilled with.)
I use LITTLE NOSES SALINE DROPS. they are gentle and natural for moisture and relieving stuffiness.
Since my boys are older now, I will also use their decongestant...only 1x daily at night since that is the hardest time for them when they are stuffy.
when my 12 month old got sick recently i bought actually a vapor bath from johnson & johnson that had eucalpytus in it AND it was tear-free. It seemed to help.
Ive also heard of nursing in the bathroom while steaming it up with the shower can help but i never tried it.
When my kids were stuffed up and couldn't nurse I would put a little bit of vicks on my breast right were their nose is when they nurse and that usually would do the trick. I did try putting a little right under their nose but sometimes I think it is to hot for them. I would suction their nose and make sure all the buggies were out and their nose was clear before I nursed and used the vicks also. Hope you have some luck.
I'm sure you'll get the same response from other mom's, but I was going through the same thing last week. I thought I'd share what my pediatrician told me.
A few drops of saline solution in each nostril and then a quick clean out with the bulb syringe. He did warn me though not to be too aggressive with the suction. Over-use of the bulb syringe can cause trauma to the mucus membranes, which would then produce more mucus. So, there's a fine line.
Hopefully you and your baby find a trick that brings relief. Goodluck!
Try to stay away from dairy. That may be causing the issue.
Babies do not get stuffy while teething. If they do, it's because of a virus. Ask your doctor.
saline drops, or a few drops of expressed breast milk up the nose.
This is absolutely the best solution that I have found... You fill a nasal aspirator with warm saline water (sea salt water is fine), lay the child on his side over a sink and squirt the water in the upper nostril, then repeat on the other side. If you look up Neti-Pot, you can see pictures of how the process it done. This technique saved us, as my son had congestion problems a lot when he was a baby. The mucus will come out the lower nostril almost completely, it's quite amazing.
Hi! You can try either purchasing some saline over-the-counter or making your own and putting a couple drops in each nostril , letting it sit for a minute and then suctioning out the secretions (one nostril at a time). It always worked wonders for my boys!
My daughter is teething right now and I've been using the Hyland's Teething Tablets. They work like a dream!! Within 15 minutes her fever goes down, her eye stops running and she returns to her cheerful self. It has also alleviated some of her nighttime congestion. They are available in the baby aisles at Walgreens, Target, Wal-Mart, etc. I only wish I'd had them for my first two!!
You can try some eucalyptus essential oil. Put a few drops in the bath at bathtime. There is also a chest rub that is all natural called Winter Balm made w/ eucalyptus and other oils. We use this through the winter with our twin toddlers.
try a few drops of breastmilk in his nostrils, clears them right up! And if he can sleep at a slight angle that should help too. Good luck!
Our doctor recommended giving our son benadryl to help his system to dry out. It works without side effects for us. We also use a humidifier. Good luck!
A couple drops of the saline just before feeding worked great for both my kids.