I haven't read the other comments, but I'm guessing it has to do with pasturized vs non-pasterized milk.
Pasterized kills everything in it. It can also make it more difficult to digest. But it protects against things like e.coli and other nasty bugs (but you can also prevent that by feeding cows/goats their proper diet and cleaning their utters really good before milking).
Non-pasterized milk has a ton of good things in it. It's also much easier for us to digest than pasterized. But it does carry the risk of infection...but if you educate yourself, you'll see that it's possible to avoid those risks. Just farmers do mass milking these days and feed cows improperly, leading to illness, which leads to a need for antibiotics, which leads to a higher chance of e.coli and other bugs in the milk. So, you need to find a farmer that knows how to REALLY care for a cow.
I'm guessing the organic cheese is non-pasterized and that's why it's recommended.
EDITED TO ADD: I've read most of the other comments and wanted to add that I do think that we are meant eat meat. I know that's not what you're asking, but I think a lot of people are trying to go vegan, but I don't at all believe that is a healthy way to live. For the first eight years of my marriage (so a couple years ago), that was the way I tried eating. I didn't eat red meat, ate some chicken and turkey but was trying to toss that out of my diet as much as possible. I was also on a low fat diet.
Then I ended up prego with a placenta previa when full term and had to do all I could do to increase my iron/hemoglobin. The doctor mentioned red meat. So, I decided to go for it. I ate a ton of red meat (organic) and I was shocked at the difference I felt. There was a strength inside of me that I hadn't felt for YEARS. And I'm not usually anemic or anything. There's just something in the meat - specifically red meat - that to me was very clearly needed by my body, even after baby was born. So, I no longer omit that from my diet, nor do I think it's healthy to.
With fats, I always lose my hair really bad after I have a baby. There's the initial hormone change that causes the hairloss. Then it keeps going, and I lose a ton. I was talking to one of my friends (big into nutritiion) and she said I need more fat in my diet. I was definitely on a low fat diet. So, I ate more fats. I stopped draining fat out of my meat (again, it was organic, which I think is VERY important). After I had my baby, my hormones changed, I lost some hair, then it STOPPED. It was my 4th baby, and I had never had that happen. The only difference was eating more fat and eating meat.
For me, when I look at what foods we should or shouldn't eat, I think of what God or Mother Nature put on the earth for us. If we were out in the wilderness, what foods would there be (assuming there is any!). There would be normal milk, veggies, fruits, animals, etc. I think those are the healthy foods. There is info out there that shows that meat and fat is actually very important for you to eat. Watching "Fat Head" has some of that info in it.
Anyway...enough of my rambling and going completely off topic!