Just had to share this website I found on the subject. I found it very amusing!
You might have to cut and paste.
Good luck on getting that boy!
Has anybody tried any methods? I've read the wives tales and there are a couple popular methods that seem to make sense. Please give me your opinion!
Just had to share this website I found on the subject. I found it very amusing!
You might have to cut and paste.
Good luck on getting that boy!
My Mother said when she wanted a boy, she would give daddy geritol, it is a vitamin for men. Who knows. but it worked for her.
Hi E.,
I've not tried methods but instead followed the Chinese Gender Chart (you can google it). It tells you what you'll have depending on your age and the month you conceive. It was right for all 3 of my kids as well as all the girls in my office, friends and my sister-n-laws! It's just for fun but has been 100% accurate. :) Good luck!
I have no scientific methods for conceiving a boy, but I did it. Two years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter I knew my next baby would be a boy. I gave away all of the little girl clothes as my daughter grew out of them, no need to keep them because I was having a boy. When we found out we were pregnant I bought a blue shirt that says little brother. All my friends and family thought I was crazy and did not believe that I could determine the gender of my baby. Our son is due in August and I just got some great pictures of his parts to show to everyone. I believe in the power of the mind. I believe in my body and the universe providing me with what I ask for. So try all those methods for conceiving a boy, the conception is the fun part any way, but know you are going to have one if that is what is meant to be. I hope this helps and good luck!
I agree with the person that said be prepared to love another girl. These methods are the same ones I've heard- but my BF kept "trying for a boy" and wound up with 4 girls. Another friend desperately wanted a girl and had 4 boys!