From a place of someone that has not planned for anything (college or retirement), I would like to ask you if you have anything put into retirement for yourselves?
I know it sounds harsh, but the financial experts I've talked to say to start early for college savings plans for kids (with the rising cost of education and the laws of compound interest); however, most will tell you to put saving for retirement BEFORE planning for your kids' education. Why? Becuase there is low-interest loans available through the federal government that will fund your kids' education and very little if any out there to fund your retirement when the time comes. Think about it.
Now with that said, I would recommend you read a book by Suze Orman entitled, "Women & Money." In the book, she recommends you give hear 24 hours a month. Yep as little as 1 day/month (you can split it hour here, two hours there throughout a month's time) for the course of 5 months, and her book can have you on the financial track I believe you are looking for...
You may purchase the book from a store, online, etc., or if you are like most and money is tight...check out your local public library to read the book for FREE. Not too long ago Suze Orman appeared on the Ophra Winfrey show and Ophra's website offered a FREE download of the book (for a limited time). That time has since passed. I only wish I woudl have see this question in time for you to take advantage of the FREE download. Anywho...check it out & good luck!