Colicky ATTACKS in 6 Month Old

Updated on December 08, 2011
B.S. asks from New York, NY
6 answers

My 6 month old boy has been gassy since he is born. passing a lot of gas. he is breastfed. He is gaining weight fine but he has gas attacks that come and go. arching his back, very fussy and crying crying crying. then it will pass. this happens several times a day. i thought gas issues cease after 6 months. in my little guys case they seem to be getting worse! any similiar experiences?

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answers from Louisville on

Could it be related to something you are eating regularly? Perhaps it's something in your diet that he is reacting to. If you monitor what you're eating, you might find a trend in his gas/fussiness and what you've had. For a couple of mine, I almost had to completely cut out broccoli, chocolate, and anything with cabbage in it. I've also known a couple of ladies whose children had actual food allergies and were reacting to the food in the mom's milk. Again, monitor what you eat/drink and see if your son reacts to it so you can share the information with your pediatrician.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

2 thoughts. Either he has a food sensitivity, like dairy, or he has reflux. Try cutting dairy out of your diet and see if he gets better - if it's dairy, he should start to feel better within 2 days of you eliminating dairy, and should be significantly better within 2 weeks (it can take up to 2 weeks for all the milk proteins to work their way out of your system). If that doesn't work, you may need to cut out eggs, nuts, soy, or wheat. Those are the most common allergens (but, it seems like dairy is the MOST common by far so it's the best place to start).

Alternatively, if he spits up alot, doesn't sleep well or likes to sleep at an incline, he may have reflux. Arching the back can be a typical symptom of that.

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answers from Rochester on

Something you are eating and/or drinking is probably causing the gas, if this has been going on since birth and you are breastfeeding. Little ones can be extremely sensitive to what you eat and drink. Think about your obvious gas makers...pretty much all green veggies, plus cauliflower, potatoes...well, let's just say veggies in general. That doesn't mean you should quit eating veggies...but maybe stop them all for a week, add them back slowly, and see when the attacks begin again.

Additional, carbohydrates in general, some fruits, fatty foods, dairy, and artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols such as mannitol and sorbitol can cause gas/bloating/etc. Carbonated drinks are one of the worst.

It might be best to keep a food it for a few weeks...write down everything you eat and drink, what time you ate and drank it, and what time his attacks come on. This may allow you to narrow down what it is that's causing him problems. Or, if you already know you drink three cans of pop a day, for example, and he has three attacks...look for things like that.

My brother-in-law swears by some gas-drops for infants...I never tried them with my youngest, who is gassy to an extent, but he says they work wonders. I can't remember the name, but it's something you can buy OTC.

Hope it "passes" soon! :) All jokes aside, I do...I know how uncomfortable it can make a baby.

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answers from New York on

Maybe he has a food allergy or sensitivity to something that you are eating. It may be hard for you to figure out what it is. For instance, if it's dairy, it doesn't mean just cutting out milk and yogurt, dairy hides in a lot of things. A lactation consultant may be able to help you with this. Good luck

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answers from Dayton on

That was similar to my experience w/ my son.
He was fine as a newborn unless I had too much coffee or milk.
Once he started eating real foods he had many bouts of gas-at night.
All I can tell you is that Hyland's Colic tablets worked for us.
Now he is 19 months and has not had a bad bout in about 2-3 months.
Seems he is growing out of it finally.
Oh yeah...and what Amy and Mrslavallie said! ;)

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answers from Des Moines on

My colicky son turned out to have many food allergies, so you are getting very good advice there. He is even allergic to bananas and apricots.
For my granddaughter we discovered "Gripe Water". Awesome stuff - you can find it at health food stores and Walgreens around here. Always brought her relief! It is made of all natural ingrediants (like ginger) so no worries about recalls or side effects. My daughter and I were so impressed by Gripe Water that is accompanies every gift we give a new mom!

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