Cloth Prefold Diaper's Pilling

Updated on September 22, 2010
J.S. asks from Santa Rosa, CA
6 answers

Hello moms,
I bought some new cloth diapers a few months ago and they have been pilling up making them rough. I have these newer diapers and some 25yr old diapers. the old diapers haven't pilled and are nice and soft. I called the place where i bought them and they said they have never had this happen, has anyone had this happen?
I use these diapers a lot, they get washed about once a day.
I have a bosh front loader, I usually use the sanitary cycle, mild soap( either persil or bioclean liquid), and I often put some oxyclean in I do smaller loads less than 24 diapers, and wash the covers separately.
I am needing to buy more diapers, but don't want this to happen again.
Does any one have any suggestions? Or type of prefold that has worked well for you?

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So What Happened?

finally figured out it is my washer!my very expensive bosh does not use enough water on the sanitary cycle. The amount of water put into the barrel is determined be the weight of the laundry. so i am putting by diapers soaking wet to make then as heavy as possible.
hope this will help someone! off to buy new diapers

More Answers



answers from Fort Wayne on

What kind of diapers are they? I use Green Mountain Diapers prefolds and I've never had problems with pilling. I would think that it's the type of diaper rather than your washing routine. Maybe try to get ahold of someone from The Cloth Diaper Whisperer. They are really good about answering questions.



answers from Sacramento on

I use cloth, and I haven't had a problem with pilling at all. Some of my diapers are almost 3 yrs old with using them a lot. I bought some of mine from a diaper service (brand new) but most of them are from Green Mountain Diapers. I love that they have so many sizes so you can decrease the bulk. I really doubt it is your washer; must be the quality of the diapers.



answers from San Francisco on

Are these diapers 100%cotton? my experience is that cotton doesnt pill a readily as man made fabrics.cotton flannel pills some but isnt rough.My guess is 100%cotton flannel and dry them in a dryer



answers from Columbus on

Do you know what kind of material the "pilly" ones are made out of? We're using Kushie prefolds (which seem like some kind of woven cotten, kind of like flannel) and Chinese prefolds, and haven't had these issues with either.

Front loading washing machines actually aren't the best when it comes to washing cloth dipes. You actually want to use a full load of water for washing them, and a top-loading machine uses more water (to rinse more the pee/poop out & have better water circulation). So, I'm wondering if that might not be part of the problem?

You could try getting one of those anti-pilling things that you can use to run over sweaters that pill -- it removes the pills.


answers from Norfolk on

A sweater shaver will get rid of the pills.



answers from Sacramento on

I found that occurred with every clothe diaper I had bought, except for the the thinnest, sturdiest clothe diapers. It was a gift and haven't been able to find where they came from. I used tidee didee as a diaper service and after a few months decided I could do it myself and so I order their fifty pound bag of rag diapers. There were very few in ragged condition. When my super soft ones started pilling and getting torn up, I would face the two worst sides together and quilt them again and use them as night diapers. It works great but now after 2.8 years my diaper collection needs some new supplies.
good Luck!

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