I use BumGenius 3.0 diapers. They are one size pocket diapers. They are fantastic and fit babies from about 9 pounds through 35ish pounds. I recommend kissaluv's size 0 diapers with prowraps covers for newborn to 9 pounds, and if you are planning to have more kids it is an especially good investment. Good websites are jilliansdrawers.com and cottonbabies.com, as well as diaperpin.com. Jillians Drawers has a breakdown of cost for cloth vs. sposies, showing that you save easily over $1500 in diapers by using cloth. I wash my diapers every 2-3 days with the following cycle, using CountrySave detergent:
1st cycle: soak, warm water with 1/2 scoop detergent
2nd: hot wash, 1/2 scoop detergent + 1/3 cup baking soda
3rd: hot wash, 1/2 scoop detergent
4th: cold wash, 1/2 scoop detergent
4th: cold wash, no detergent, add 1 c vinegar
Machine dry on medium.