Cloth Diapers - Millville,UT

Updated on May 06, 2010
B.R. asks from Millville, UT
5 answers

My (just turned one year old) son has had horrible bum rashes come up every week for the last month and a half. I just hurt for my poor little guy. I change him constantly, let him run around the house naked as often as I can, but nothing seems to be working. I just started giving him cows milk but this has been going on longer then that. I'm thinking about looking into cloth diapers but I'm TOTALLY overwhelmed and have no idea where to start. I don't know anyone who uses them to give me recommendations, and my budget is really tight right now. I can tell you though that there is no way that I can use pins (if anyone even does anymore), he is one squirmy little guy and there's no way that I would dare do that. Help! I just want to help my little guy be comfortable.

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answers from Salt Lake City on

Pretty sure he is allergic to something. Get him tested.



answers from Portland on

I just heard that pampers is using a newly formulated diaper that is giving many babies chemical burns. Despite all the complaints they have not recalled the diapers. I would change to a chlorine free diaper first, such as earth's best or 7th generation (they have them on and babies r us), and see if that clears it up. we use cloth and are very happy with that. We use a disposable at night, though, because they last longer.

You may be able to get used cloth ones used from craigslist or something. Just soak them in a 10% vinegar solution and wash before you use them, and use a cup or so of vinegar instead of fabric softener, and then run an extra rinse cycle. This gets rid of any bacteria and any soap residue, and helps babies not get a rash from that.

Most cloth diapers don't need pins, there are snappies to replace those, and a lot of the cloth ones are shaped like a disposable and have build in snaps. I use kissaluvs with a cover, I prefer those to the all-in-ones, but have friends who are big fans of those.

good luck!



answers from Cincinnati on

First, I don't think anyone uses pins anymore. ^_^

There is a really good article about cloth diapering in the most recent issue of Mothering Magazine, so you might check that out. It gives a lot of good websites and tells you about all the different types of cloth diapers available now.

On a personal level, I really love Bum Genius. They're one-size-fits-all pocket diapers and you can buy them on if you don't have a store that sells them locally. Another good and well-known brand of pocket diapers is Fuzzibunz. Also, look into local WAHM who are making their own diapers - I buy my favorites, called Tinkle Traps, from just such a person.

Good luck!



answers from Duluth on

We used Bum Genius one size, they are adjustable so they grow with your child. We LOVE them! They were about $15 a piece though but my husband did the math and they paid for themselves three times over already. Good luck!



answers from Sacramento on

I used a diaper service when my son was in diapers. There are no pins required :-) You've got two basic choices, and all-in-one (AIO on diapering websites) or a pre-fold in a cover. Either way, they are about like disposable diapers in terms of the actual diapering process... the cover or the AIO is shaped like a diaper, and has velcro or snap tabs so you just put it on like the disposables you're used to.

With a service you'll be using prefolds in a cover. That worked really well for us, because when they pee you just change the diaper but use the same cover, so you don't go through so many complete sets of diapers in a day. The dirty diapers just go into a pail the service provides and get set outside once a week and cleans are dropped off in their place.

AIO work exactly like a disposable diaper. They have the diaper and cover attached. A lot of people REALLY like them. because they're super convenient. What turned me away from them was that (like a disposable) you have to change the WHOLE thing at each change which means you have to buy a lot of them to start with (enough to get you through a day at least and more if you don't want to do laundry every day).

See if there's a service in your area. It would be an easy low commitment way to try. If you want to wash them yourself, I'd get a couple covers and prefolds, then a few AIOs for when you're out and about.

Hope this helps.


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