When my son was 5 yrs old and in kindergarden, they checked his vision. I received a note from the nurse stating he did not pass the first or second tests given to him and a trip to our eye doctor was suggested. I am so happy I took him. His vision was 70/20. The eye dr. had him wear a patch on his good eye for several hours a day and rechecked him in two weeks. at that two week visit, his eye site improved to 50/20. Along with his patch , which was difficult to keep put on and take off of him, he was given glasses, again to keep on as long as possible. It wasn't until after he went to the eye dr that I realized that he had been tilting his head when watching TV or looking at something. His eye was considered "lazy" or weak. The patch was a great help!!!! He continues to wear the glasses once in a while especially when he is doing alot of computer homework. You should deffinately take him to an eye dr. and get treatment now. It is amazing how well their eyes can heal when they are that age. Best of Luck. Let me know how you make out.