Ah, 16 months - so fun but SO exhausting! I think I was the MOST tired I've ever been at this stage!
Obviously, you need to verbally instruct your daughter when you remove her from these dangerous situations but the truth is, she's only 16 months and doesn't really "Get" danger. We'd always say something simple like, "No. Hurt baby" and just pull her away and try to distract her.
The real solution? WATCH HER CONSTANTLY!! You just have to be on your toes around these dangers. If you can, create one "danger free" zone - where you can sit and relax with her while she plays safely. You'll still need to supervise. It's just the age.
Oh, just a note - be sure you use the furniture latches to attach things like dressers to the wall. I always remember a pastor friend telling a story about a funeral he did for a little one who died climbing furniture that wasn't attached. He came home that day and anchored all his furniture. Not to be too scary but it's a preventable injury.
I promise this will pass faster than you can believe it. Enjoy her "little" years!!