I LOVE my 31 bags, but have chosen to not put any sayings on them. I've changed my mind a bazillion times on how I will use the bags. I bought one for scrapbooking, and it's now the traveling toiletry bag. I got one large utility tote for my van, and it's now in the bottom of the closet holding hats and mittens. A different large utility tote is in the van holding toys.
I would keep it simple & versatile. I only have 2 bags with an initial on them, and I chose my last initial so my girls could use it if they wanted.....down the road.
I also don't over personalize many things in our house so we can use them over and over again, be able to sell them, or donate them and know they aren't going to a landfill because they have the wrong name on them. Know what I mean? :)