Clearwater Restaurants

Updated on August 12, 2008
S.J. asks from Hyde Park, MA
5 answers

i need a feed back for a good restaurant in clearwater that is located by the beach and that has a live band or music. my mom's said that's what she would like to do tomorrow for her birthday. thanks

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So What Happened?

we end up choosing shephard's and we all had a great time. the food was excellent with lots of varieties. the band was fun they even dedicated musics for my mom and i. my son was dancing like crazy and everybody enjoyed watching him dancing he's 2 1/2 yrs old. so you have and idea about his crazy dancing. i haven't got fun like that in a while. i really appreciate your responses and i'm really happy that i asked you guys. thanks!

More Answers



answers from Tampa on

You can never go wrong with Frenchy's down on Clearwater beach. Plus the frozen drinks are yummy too!!



answers from Tampa on

Frenchy's is the only restaurant I know of that's on the beach and has live music. It's fun and the food is pretty good, depending on what you order. If you sit outside, you can watch your kids play right over the railing, on the beach.
Have a great celebration!



answers from Tampa on

Island Way Grill is very nice & upscale. They have a deck outside on the water & I have been there when they have had a band but not sure if they always do. Also not sure of hours.

Frenchy's Rockaway is right on the beach, very casual, and excellent grouper sandwiches. Again, they've had music when I've been (on a Saturday). Very crowded on the weekends. (there are other loacations as well.)



answers from Tampa on

Shephards is a fun place with live music and a really nice buffet...



answers from Tampa on

Frenchie's has three in Clearwater. My fave is the one on the beach ... and their grouper sandwich is the best I have ever had to date! Google Frenchies (spelling?) and make reservations but is worth it IMO.

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