True story:
my husband and I are an older couple (started trying for a family in our mid to late 30's). After about 6 months of trying we saw my obgyn for some fertility testing. I was on Clomid for a few months. We did a couple rounds of IUI, but nothing seemed to work and we were worried we couldn't get pregnant. Finally, after we sort of stopped trying and stressing about it we got pregnant on our own. When my son was 6 months old, we thought we better start trying again. My hairdresser told me to use the CB fertility monitor. That is how she and her sister were able to get pregnant with all of their children. She was done with hers and let me borrow it. ( I just had to buy the testing sticks for it). I was pregnant with our little girl 2 months later! My kids are only 16.5 months apart. LOL! I HIGHLY recommend using this device. It takes all the guess work out of getting pregnant. And to think at one time we thought we had fertility issues! Ha! Good luck to you!