Our family of 3 has awful allergies this time of year. We live on a heavily wooded lot and back up to a huge wooded park area. Cedar Elm is an issue for us.
I just got out of the Dr today with my 15 yr old with allergies that have turned into ear infection. She usually has a sinus infection with it as well. Hopefully all will be ok, started on antibiotics (this is rarely used for my healthy child) and a new Rx of Allegra. We had all been on Claritin and Sudafed.
Just yesterday, I was so miserable the lady at grocery checkout at Market Street told me I needed some local honey. I checked it out and found a very small market out in the country around Fairview. I bought some local honey and the lady at the market said bee pollen was more concentrated and does help a lot of people. I was so miserable I bought that too.
I am not kidding........today I was 90% better. Still some issues but 1 dose (1/8 tsp) of bee pollen and I feel SO much better. It does not taste too bad, it does lave a bit of an aftertaste but not too bad.
I told the pedi about it today and she agreed that it does work for a lot of people. I've been on Claritin and Sudafed over 2 weeks and 1 dose of the pollen had helped SO much.
I am no Dr. but ask your pedi about this option.