Yes. My daughter started having ear infections and sinus infections at 9 months. Did ear tubes at 15 months--which stopped the ear infections but then she started having sinus infections every 6-8 weeks. Then she started having allergic reactions to the antibiotics... it culminated in a trip to the ER for being swollen and covered in rash; her pediatrician worried her kidneys were shutting down.
She started getting sinus rinses every other day around 18 months. It got to the point I realized all her illnesses were giving me depression and I was desperate to determine what was the cause. My perspective was to throw everything modern medicine could at it: She had her heart tested (normal); she had an allergy blood test (inconclusive; showed elevated white blood cell count); she had so many sinus x-rays (ugh!) ; doctor wanted her tested for cystic fibrosis... I opted for the allergy skin prick test over the CF sweat test.
Turns out she was allergic to cows milk protein. It was creating excess congestion which was causing her sinus issues. I had to completely remove all forms of cow dairy products from her diet... Initially I thought if I just cut out direct forms of dairy that would be ok, but she still got sick. So I had to read food ingredient labels (no milk, butter, whey, casien) and home cook everything. It was a pain but looking back on it, it forced us to avoid fast food and eat healthy. (Probably helped keep the weight on me too!)
She completely stopped getting sick once cows milk protein was removed from her foods. She had no reaction to goat milk dairy. We didn't cut out any other type of food from her diet.
I didn't want her eating a lot of soy (because of the estrogen link). Instead her diet relied on goat milk dairy (goat milk, butter, yogurt, cheese; some sheep yogurt and cheese). I bought a bread machine and made goat milk bread. She completely outgrew the allergy by age 5.
Message me if you have specific questions.