Christmas Gifts for the Elderly

Updated on November 27, 2010
D.M. asks from La Palma, CA
11 answers

My parents are both in their eighties now and they have ample health problems which limit their mobility. They tell me not to buy them anything for Christmas, but I know they would feel left out and disappointed if I did that. That just seems so sad, like they don’t have anything to look forward to. I need gift ideas that don’t add to pile of stuff that they can no longer use due to their physical condition. My father is the hardest to buy for. I have given him more gift certificates for restaurants and shirts than he will ever use. I so need some new ideas. What do you give people who are hard of hearing , have poor vision, are on oxygen, and can’t walk much? Help me please.

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answers from Los Angeles on

My mil and fil are in their 80's as well and very hard to shop for. But I got lucky with my fil, he loves the chocolate cheese cake I make but is diabetic so can't have much. So for his b-day I made one with splenda insted of sugar for him and he LOVED it and now that is what he wants for every gift giving occassion. Do they have a fave treat or meal you could make for them? Homemade is always appreciated!

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answers from Las Vegas on


The best gift you can give your parents this Christmas is a
GIFT OF HEALTH. I said that because you said that they have a lot of health problems.

I own a home base business that has helped thousands of people improved their health because of a dietary supplement
it is called the Mangosteen Juice.

Please do your research and let me know if you want to send me a case of the juice. type mangosteen on search area

email me at if you are interested

I know they will appreciate it more than any material thing you can give them.

M. B



answers from Los Angeles on


I personally like the ideal of buying your mother a necklace. I know she's going to say that you didn't have to buy her anything that you probably spent too much money on it. But last year New York and Company and I think Kohl's all had necklaces which were $10, but looked really nice. My five year old actually got them for her grandmothers and teachers at daycare.

For your dad, I think a nice little pocket watch. I remember my grandfather use to have one.

Again, the items are expensive, but you get to give them something, which makes you feel better. And they can be surprised and thankful, and hopefully not think that you went overboard.




answers from Las Vegas on

Do they like to read or do crosswords puzzles? We sometimes get my grandparents books for reading and activities in the large print version. Maybe you can find a fun trivia game to give to them to play with each other. My family loves games. It would be nice if your whole family could visit and play the game with them. I just gave my 93 year old grandpa a cell phone for his birthday. It's only $10 a month to add to our plan and the phone was free. He swore he never wanted one, but he was like a kid in a candy store when he got it. He wanted to know how everything worked including the camera. I told him to keep it on him and if he ever fell or had an issue, I am only a phone call away. He loved it!



answers from Honolulu on

Depending on where they live.... and since they seem pretty home-bound due to their health,
why don't you, Hubby, and your children... go to THEIR place,
cook dinner, make dessert, and maybe the kids can put on a little "song/dance" routine for them?

THEN, get a tape recorder, and let them talk about their life.... do an audio "diary" of them... it will be a nice interlude for them, lets them share their life, and you/Hubby/your children will have something "recorded" for a souvenir for when they are no longer in the human world. I have found, that often times, elderly LOVE to talk about "themselves" and their lives... because often by this time, and at this age and with health problems... people don't often "listen" to them anymore... and they miss that.

Or, have a family portrait done, with them in it too?

Me, I adore the elderly & especially since after my own Dad passed away... and somehow I always bump into elderly who will just talk and talk to me, even though they are strangers and I don't know them. But I can see in their eyes that it gives them such "joy" to have someone actually LISTEN to them AND ask questions and be sincerely interested in what they have to say and share.

Perhaps, your parents would also enjoy this... real "quality" time... and sharing it together?

Just an idea,
All the best,



answers from Los Angeles on

I am always trying to think of new ways to celebrate things with my kids. One year for my inlaws anny. I helped the kids make them lunch we made different kinds of sandwiches and used a heart shaped cookie cutter to make them "special" and we also melted chocolate and put them in candy molds. the kids had a ball and grandma and pa still talk about it.



answers from San Diego on

My grandparents are no longer living, but something they always enjoyed was drawings from the grandchildren and spending time with the family, just talking. Also, they liked to have large print Bibles or Bible recordings of some types. I like many of the previous ideas you got as well. Maybe make a day every week where you could spend an hour or two with them (if they live close) to do errands, help them with bathing/hygiene (wash their hair and style it, cut their nails, etc.). Very best of luck to you. Enjoy the time with your parents as much as you can.



answers from San Diego on

Hi D., here's n Idea you may like, my father is 83 and this is what i am planing on doing, i'm going to go to the 99 cent store and get a Christmas Tin, or bucket, and I have going to do some Holiday baked goods, I'm going to put some red and green tissue paper inside then put the goods inside, and tie a ribon or a bow around the tin. If they can't have bakes goods, then you can do items they need, like personal items inside, and present it te same way, or you can get them slippers. Hope this helps. J. L. Oh yea my dad always says don't buy him anything too.



answers from Los Angeles on

In addition to some of the ideas below which we've also done for our Grandparents and Great Grandparents when they were still alive, we've also made a donation to a charity in their honor. If there is a cause they especially believe in, that's always a really nice gift that they love to receive. I've done them to animal charities for the animal lover, The MS Society for others as my father-in-law has MS and it means a lot to his parents to receive this type of donation in their honor. You can get creative with what their interests are - Ocean Clean-up if they are ocean lovers, Kids organizations if they especially love the laughter of children, you name it! Just another idea we've found to be wonderful for those that don't really want or "need" anything, yet if you wrap up the donation voucher or print up something and wrap it up, they still have a "gift" to open.

Best of luck to you!



answers from Las Vegas on

I suggest that you give him the Just5 cell phone. The design of the phone is perfect for your dad's condition. The phone has large keys, bright display, and amplified sound for ease of use despite vision and hearing problems. The phone also has a one-touch SOS button that can contact help immediately during emergency situations. I read about this phone at



answers from Honolulu on

What about offering to do some things for them like cleaning the house, running errands, cooking a few meals, taking them to appointments or out to lunch, etc? Also, this year I'm giving the grandparents digital frames loaded with pictures of the kids and family. I thnk they will enjoy watching the pictures ohange and having so many different pictures.

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