I use California Baby, but that is because I am trying to avoid chemicals. It doesn't soak in like the chemical type do. So I don't really have a recommendation on brand, but wanted to let you know a money saving fact about the SPF level. I was told by a dermatologist and have read in numerous places that anything over an SPF 30 or so is pointless. The reason being, kids sweat and wipe off sunscreen and it really needs to be reapplied before you hit that time frame that the higher SPF sunscreens protect for. And they don't work as well as you would think- an SPF 60 is not giving you twice the protection as an SPF 30. You are better off sticking with a lower SPF and reapplying more often. The lower SPF is cheaper, which is nice since you should be reapplying it more often than most people do (growing up we got it once a day with reapplication after getting out of water, and that is not nearly often enough. Hence why I have to see a dermatologist now.)