We use a pressure gate here and it works pretty well.
I used to have a gate that was mounted into the wall. We had our walls painted and had the wall mount taken out and holes filled in. I'm looking for a way to babyproof the bottom of our stairs without having to drill any holes anywhere since we are trying to move and I don't want to redo the damage. Does anyone know of a gate or safety wall that can do this? Our home is not very large, so it's not like I can block out other doorways that lead towards the steps.
We use a pressure gate here and it works pretty well.
We slipped the gate between the spindles at the bottom of the stairs - we didn't have a wall on either side. Some times the boys were able to pull it out of the way, but it made so much noise, we were able to get to them before they got anywhere.
Good luck with selling your home quickly!
We got a wooden gate from WalMart at about $15.00. Easy to use, doesn't need "installing" and has rubber on the sides to closure/wall protection. Very easy to put up/take down. I like it better than the mounted ones we have for our stairs!!
Hi A.
I have a bilevel, and what we did was get one of those "play yard" extention gates. You can make these as big or as small as you want them. We would wrap them around the steps and put something sturdy on each side so the gate would not fall. The kids would just see the gate and not really bother trying to get over it anyway, until they were older:)
i never used them.
There are gates that act like tension rods.
Could you use a pressure gate at the bottom of your stairs?
Get a pressure mounted gate. They can either go on a flat surface or have Y adapters that can go on the spindles on the stairs.