Hi J.,
My oldest two got chicken pox when they were around 2/3. We had gone over to visit with a certified childcare giver, and she had 2 kids in her care she swore weren't contagious anymore(their sores had scabbed over and they were supposedly in week 3). Well, my kids ended up with them, and my husband, who was around 27 at the time and had never had cp, got them too.
He started exhibiting symptoms before he got the spots, but the kids didn't. He was sicker than a dog(high fever, extremely itchy sores, and the whole 9 yards. They say adults will have it worse than children. The kids, on he other hand, the worst for them were the sores. Pretty itchy and hard to leave alone. We never had to go to the doctor for the kids, but I did call the nurse line to find out what we should do when they got them.
Calamine, and oatmeal like the other mom suggested, should help alot. Keep your Motrin on hand for the fevers, and socks on her hand for when she itches, if she'll keep them on.
Best of luck, and I hope your baby gets through it without getting too awfully sick.
K. W