What is the rush?? At 17 mos, keep him in a crib. Let him stay in the crib and keep the toddler bed in the room so he can get used to it. Another option is keeping him in a crib and buying him a regular bed that he can go into at 3 years old. Yes, 3 is generally the age BOYS are ready to get out of diapers and out of a crib. But if you keep him in the crib now and have that toddler bed in the room too, he will let you know when he is ready. Plus because of safety issues, a crib is much better. Do you really want a 17 mos old wandering around the house in the middle of the night. If he is comfortable in the crib, he gets a good night sleep and so do YOU.
He may be a big 17 mos old, but believe me when I tell you that crib is strong enough to hold him.