A front loader is nice for little babies, one that you can nurse in hands free, w/o stopping to unload everytime the baby wants to nurse, plus hearing your heartbeat is very soothing to her. But as she grows older and heavier, a back carrier is best, and for serious hiking, one w a frame & a waist belt is best. My kids are grown now, so I haven't kept up with what all the brands are & which pros & cons each brand has. I started out with a Snugli, then added a NAPSAK (from LLL). I have often gone hiking or even bike riding, with the newest baby in the NAPSAK on my front while the toddler rode in the Snugli on my back. Snugli has changed its' style over the yrs & many more brands are available, sorry I can't give you more specific advice.
I would stay away from slings, that don't keep baby secure w/o you holding an arm around them, when hiking in the woods, you need to keep both hands free. Wraps are more secure, than slings, and you can wrap them in a number of ways to best suit your needs, but they are more cumbersome to get in & out of quickly. While my Snugli was the more durable, and the NAPSAK was the more versitile, they have both served me long & well, through all my 7 kids, and now being used for grandkids!