Chalkboard Paint - Austin,TX

Updated on August 08, 2011
K.K. asks from Austin, TX
10 answers

Has anyone used the paint to make a chalk board on wall or the paint that turns a wall into a whiteboard or any other special fun paint such as these? How did it turn out? Does it work well?

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answers from Austin on

Long ago, (like 20 or more years ago?) my hubby used the chalkboard paint to paint a board we then hung up as a chalkboard for the kids... it worked great!!

If you are looking at making a "whiteboard", a lot of people (even schools) will take the much less expensive white shower wall liner and use that instead of the expensive true whiteboard. It doesn't clean up as well, though. Being plastic, it does eventually scratch and the dry erase stains it easier. You would probably want to "frame" it with quarter-round or some kind of molding (or floorboard trim) to keep them from accidentally coloring on the wall with dry erase markers.

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answers from Dallas on

I painted my daughters closet door with chalkboard paint. It was really cool. Went on easy, didnt take a bunch of coats, like I thought it would. And the slick surface of the door, was a perfect smooth chalkboard. I don't think it would work on a textured wall nearly as well. She liked it and it took her from toddler, through teen years.



answers from Sacramento on

Yes!!! We have a huge chalkboard in our back yard! I like the paint to roll on rather than the spray!


answers from Richmond on

YES!! It's so fun! We did the inside part of the door to our 'playroom' in our old house, so the kids could color with chalk or hang their pictures with magnets (there wasn't a lot of wall space to hang things)... it was well worth it! It did need an extra coat (than what was recommended) and I would ask someone at the hardware store for a better roll-brush... we had bought an el-cheapo one and it could have been smoother. Have fun!



answers from San Diego on

So late to this, but I painted a magnetic wall. We have an art room in our house so it is a wonderful way to hang my daughters, and my, art. I used three coats of paint, but it dried quickly and and it works great! Curious about the chalkboard paint, and thinking about doing it on an outside wall. Wondered how that would work as we have ocean air but not a lot of "weather."



answers from Houston on

We used the chalkboard paint from Benjamin Moore and it was wonderful.

We used it in the kitchen.



answers from Minneapolis on

We did it inside our laundry room so we could write notes to our kids. I love it. I think we only did 1 or 2 coats but really could have used 1 more. Just follow instructions.



answers from Cleveland on

Highly recommend this! I painted a cheap kids table from IKEA with chalkboard paint, and I made a message board on a hallway wall with black chalkboard paint. You can get this in all kinds of colors now, now just the standard black. Easy and fun :)



answers from Dallas on

Yes... LOVE the chalkboard paint! So fun.



answers from Houston on

I have not but have some friends who have a whole wall in their kitchen in chalkboard magnetic paint and they love it. I think it looks very cool and I have considered doing it in my hallway from the patio into the kitchen - just haven't pulled the trigger yet.

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