What I did when my daughter was a baby/toddler was to give her a bath/feed her and then go to mass. She usually fell asleep. Generally the early masses are the shorter masses ie 8:00 am sans the singing.
HI, I am looking for a short sunday mass- With short I mean a 1 Hour mass. I like to bring my sons to mass but they are too young to handle more than 1 hour (8 months and 2 years). I live in East Houston zip 77079.
Do you know of any?????
What I did when my daughter was a baby/toddler was to give her a bath/feed her and then go to mass. She usually fell asleep. Generally the early masses are the shorter masses ie 8:00 am sans the singing.
We take our kids to the life teen mass. It is very charismatic and the music is great. Try to find a church with life teen masses in your area. We go to St. Thomas More on Hillcroft.
Hi, I'm C. I don't know if you're familiar with the Harrisburg area? Well there is one called Imaculada Concepcion its on Harrisburg not sure if thats too far from you. The mass is only an hr long.
I think basically the earlier the mass, the shorter it is. I think the St. John Vianney 8:00 am mass is right at an hour. The cry rooms are also very nice at SJV. I don't know about St. Cyril's or St. Cecilia's (the other churches around that area) you might just have to try them.
You can search for a short mass close to you http://www.diogh.org/Parish%20Locator-NEW.asp. G o to an early mass no singing. I usually go around nap time and feed right before mass starts then my daughter usually takes a nap during church or check to see if they have a nusery. Depending on were you go they have someone to watch you kids while you are at mass and the kids get to play. Hope this helps.
i love the way you say short Mass....thats funny...when I was younger my mother would take us to the early service....they dont sing and its "shorter" or you could try the Catholic Charasmatic Center.....its has a lot of prasie & worship and when I went there, the children were really into it............hope this helped..God BLess.....................
My sister has three kids (8, 5, and 1) and is having the same problem. She was at St. Cyril's and the mass was too long so she has been going to St. John Vianney it is in west Houston (77079). She said that it is better and the kids seem to like it. I would start there.