Catering Options - Coppell Area

Updated on September 05, 2008
K.K. asks from Coppell, TX
6 answers

We are hosting a couples shower for roughly 40 people in a couple weeks. The shower will be at our Coppell home. Can anyone recommend a good catering company or restaurant that is good and not overpriced? I would like to have a choice of appetizers and main course. We will probably provide the dessert ourselves.

I would love to have a company that will come and set everything up in our kitchen. My fried used On the Border and Blue Mesa in the past, but I'm open to any suggestions from all of you!

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answers from Dallas on

Hi i work for laura's events service and she is one of the most sweetest person i ever met.
the phone number is ###-###-####
and she is also very reasonable.



answers from Dallas on

Ana Mia's caters and they are good!



answers from Dallas on

I went to a graduation party in Southlake and it was catered by Papadeux's Papasitos. It was really well done, tasty and she said it was reasonable.


answers from Dallas on

Hi K.,

My company, Errands A.S.A.P., among many other types of assistance, provides service for parties. We find caterers and will even pick up the food and bring it if need be. Not long ago, we picked up food for a Mexican buffet from a small restaurant in Coppell and brought it to a party at White Rock Lake! I think they were very reasonable. Anyway, we will arrive early to set-up, provide service during the party and then stay to clean up so you won't have to do anything but have a good time with your guests in your home. Please give me a call and let me know when your party is and if you'd like me to provide you with a quote.

Thank you!
A. Summars
Errands A.S.A.P. LLC



answers from Dallas on

Hi KIM_ I realie that i probably got o this notice a bit late but.... REMARKABLE CATERING ###-###-####
Also- I have a hsot assistant service- We do what it takes to reduce your stress and let you enjoy your own party
Please keep us in mind for your next event!-or if its not too lat-e give me a call and we can chat- ###-###-####
D. S



answers from Dallas on

I've used Aspen Catering (Irving/Las Colinas - at the movie studios) for both my wedding reception two years ago and also for some work events. They are great and can provide whatever you need (even wait staff if necessary). The food is always delicious and if I go to them with a per person budget, they can usually work within it.

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