If you don't have your degree already nursing takes apx 5 years, for either your RN or BSRN (about 20k difference in salary in most places in our area). 18mo of pre-reqs (RN) or 24mo of pre-reqs (BSRN), and then 24mo of nursing school. The 5th year is the "lag" year between having your pre-req's completed to be "competitive" (many schools have 6,000 applicants for 100 spots) and starting nursing school. Salary ranges from 40k-150k depending on whether you "5th" year (tack on an extra year of schooling to focus; like in pediatrics/ surgery/ ER/ etc.), or 5th year and get a masters, etc.
If you DO have a bachelors then you only have to post bac your anatomy & physiology & microbiology & chem reqs. Which takes about 1 year.
If your have an admin background... you can get into medadmin which (again, in our area) for unit secretaries is about $2500 a month = 30k a year. Most jobs require about 1-2 years in an acute care setting or equiv education. Volunteering in a unit can take care of some of those hours, or taking a med admin class + med terminology