We are all thinking about cloth diapers for earth reasons, then I wonder to myself... just throw away a seemingly perfect carset? Yes they are made of plastic which might chemically break down in 6 years, but how many years will this last in a landfill? Obviously the plastic should be recycled. Funny to think that my mother had me in a basket in the car FRONT seat (no seatbelts, they weren't required in all vehicles) while she drove stick shift & smoked a cigaratte. Surprisingly, I am alive! So the thought of throwing away a nice carseat because of a plastic expiration date seems almost a bit like the carseat manufacturers' way of boosting sales or maybe covering themselves because of liability & everyone's "happy lawsuits". I guess it doesn't answer your question, just poses many new ones. I would donate it though - someone can't afford one somewhere & having a carseat is most definately better then a basket!