Way, way, way too young. In addition to your child not even needing it, and in addition to the fact that your child's digestive system is too young to handle it, AND in addition to the fact that starting your child on solids before 4 months increases their chance of childhood obesity 6 fold, your own pediatrician would never recommend something like this (and you should be checking with your pediatrician first, not a bunch of strangers on the internet).
Maybe check into some parenting classes and do some research on milestone and development issues in children under 1 years old. Sure, some moms will tell you "I put rice in my baby's bottle so they would sleep through the night at a month" and such other nonsense, but how do you know that same mom isn't using a car seat, smokes cigarettes around their child daily, and figures that they should give them juice or water in between bottles (these are all things that were acceptable at one point or another, but aren't any longer). My point is, you have NO idea what kind of parent you are getting information from on with a board like this, but you are willing to take a what amounts to medical advice for a TWO MONTH OLD BABY from strangers? Yikes.
Good luck . . .