Get her a pair of the travel size pillows so that she can put them under her arms for support. Make sure you write down the amount of fluid from the drain (from each side) each time you empty them out and the color. If there is an odd odor this is possibility of infection and she will need to have that treated. If you can find a garter belt for her waist get two large safety pins and attach the drains to the belt so that they don't pull when she turns or moves or takes a shower.
Once she has healed they will set up her radiation schedule which is for 6 weeks five days a week at the same time each day. She will have a body fit for a form so that they can do the radiation treatment which is about 10 minutes.
Just be there for her and when she starts her radiation treatments go with her in case she is tired or doesn't feel up to driving herself home. Get the book from the oncology department about the radiation diet and follow it. It does include nuts, cream, butter and real whole foods to help with the radiation. But she will recover quicker by following the meal plan.
Have her contact the local American Cancer Society and get in touch with a Reach to Recovery person who can answer her questions and be a big sister to her in the time. Oh yes, she may feel like crying and she is entitled to it and she may lash out a bit at people close to her it is common but she will be alright. Get her a journal so that she can log her experiences as she goes through this journey in life.
My best to you and your family. Also her priorities in life will change and she will change in her outlook on many things but she will be fine.
The other S.
Breast Cancer Survior (14 years in Septermber)