We were in the Boy Scouts and camped every month, one year it rained almost every trip. I don't like camping in the rain, but picked up a tip. Buy a huge tarp, a package of clothes pins or those plastic clamps that you squeeze to open like clothes pins, in hardware or at the dollar store, and take a small shovel. Get a canopy of some sort.
Be careful that you put the tent up someplace where you're not in a potential run off or water pooling spot. First put down the tarp, put the tent on the tarp, don't stake it down, then pull the tarp up around the tent as high as it will go. Pin it tight using the poles to pin onto first, then take up any slack along the walls with more pins. Pin it so that you can get into the door of the tent when you're done. Put the canopy over the tent and then dig a water run off trench around your tent to divert water away from your sleeping area.
Sleeping wet is absolutely miserable! A bit of work, but you can stay dry to sleep. Hope the rain stays away and that you have fun trip!