I believe to advertise your faculty as a preschool you have to actually be licensed as a teacher and have an early childhood education degree. You can't teach accredited pre-school without having some sort of education degree.
You can however, advertise a child care facility that offers a pre-school curriculum for the 3 and 4 year old children. I have used Scholastic and Mailbox curriculums and have had good results with them.
As for the pre-school instead of offering child care call the school admin. offices and ask them about certifications for operating a school instead of child care.
I figure you will also have to limit the hours of operation to just the 4-6 hours per day allowed for under kindergarten age kids to be in school. They can only go to "school" a certain amount of hours per day. They also have to go a certain number of days per school year then they can't go anymore. Your school district will have better information about this.
They will also have Fall breaks, Christmas Breaks, Spring Breaks, and many days off during the year for holidays such as Presidents Day or Thanksgiving weekend, and just days off the call snow days that can be in or out depending on the amount of days they have actually made it too school, I don't know where Davis is but if it gets winter weather they'll need those snow days to make up for missed days in bad weather. Plus they'll get Summers off. I don't know if your income can handle all those days out with out pay.
I think the child care background you have is good. But operating a school will be a totally different experience. It might be just what you want to do too. If you decide to go this way be sure and report back what you found out. I think if the school board doesn't have information about this then call the nearest University that has a College Of Education and talk to someone who helps the teachers get through their credential certifications.