I had my son by c-section and am still breastfeeding at 12 mths old. (just started weaning now!) I'm pretty sure I breastfed the baby once I was put in a room...seems like within an hour or so after he was plucked from my tummy. If you plan to breastfeed, let your Dr and nurses know, and they will make sure it happens. My son had a little trouble figuring out a good latch so we did supplement with formula in a bottle temporarily while still learning to latch on correctly for about 2 wks. With each feeding, we nursed first, then supplement with bottle 2nd...hubby gave bottle and loved it! Then, baby figured it all out and started gaining weight so his pedi told me to stop supplementing.
Please don't worry about them giving your baby a bottle in hospital! You want your baby to be nourished, and if your body isn't ready, a bottle will suffice temporarily until your milks comes in. For us, breastfeeding was a brand new experience, and it didn't work out as fast as I thought it should. This experience was very frustrating for me, and I was very tired. The most important thing for me was to have one on one time with the lactation consultant that will stop by to check on you. Make sure you see that person! Very important b'c for us, she was the only one who really knew how to teach latching on and gave great coaching tips for breastfeeding moms.
Bathing: You'll need help with this initially. My hubby helped me alot b'c it was painful to move around, lift legs to get in tub, etc. Don't forget Wonderful Smelling soap and shampoo to make you feel better! Bring house shoes for walking the halls too. Don't take your expensive nightgown b'c your incision could be messy at times, and you don't want to stain something nice and ruin it. Don't forget a nursing bra, nursing pads and lanolin too.