We couldn't possible know. Call your doctor.
I've had 2 kiddos and yeah they have done a number on my breasts. But here within the last month or two I have noticed a small nipple looking bump attached to my nipple on my areola.it itches randomly and is growing larger (slowly) and scaly I don't want to waste the little time I have with two little kids running around going to the doctor unless I basically have to. I was wondering if anyone has or has heard of anyone with this symptom.
We couldn't possible know. Call your doctor.
Go to the doc... we aren't medical professionals here and cannot diagnose you.
I would also encourage you to go to the doctor. And I realize that you didn't come on here looking for a diagnosis- sheesh! Sometimes it just feels better to hear back from people who may have had the same thing, to calm you down while you make an appointment. I get it!
And to make you feel better, I have had something similar. I don't remember it growing, but it was itchy and scaly for sure. I had it checked out and it turned out to be nothing. So I hope you don't worry yourself sick thinking it's always something scary. But there could be a variety of things that it is, so best to get it checked when you can. You'll feel better knowing. Regular doc, OB/GYN, or dermatologist should all be able to help. Good luck!
Growing, itchy and scaly is a doctor-ASAP situation. A dermatologist. It could be minor, or it could be very serious.
It could be a blocked sebacious gland. Have you tried gently squeezing it? If nothing comes out I suggest you call the advice nurse at your doctor's office. Because it itches and is growing I would check it out with the doctor. I get blackheads that are an itchy bump.
I had that - it was a clogged duct. You will need to go to the doctor to have it drained.
Welcome to mamapedia!!
Well, it could be a yeast infection, it could be a blocked gland, it could be MANY THINGS - however - I'm not a doctor, I have not examined you so I wouldn't be able to tell you. I'm NOT trying to be mean or anything -but you need to understand we aren't doctor's here and even if we were?? We would NOT diagnose you over the internet...
Please schedule an appointment with your OB/GYN and get checked out.