bumGenius 3.0 Organic W/ Snaps

Updated on October 08, 2009
L.B. asks from Clayton, OH
9 answers

Hello! I purchased the bumGenius 3.0 organic diapers with snaps and LOVE them. They wash very well and come out looking like new. I do however, have an issue with leaks from time to time. I have to be very aware of when she goes because she'll leak out of the leg holes and onto her clothes. She is now 9 pounds 6 oz. but very long and slim. She just doesn't have the roly poly legs to fill the gaps. I have read that I may need more than the inserts already attached but how do I fold them and how much? Also, is it possible for her to wear them through the night? The way she leaks now we would have a mess trying to go a few hours. Thank you so much!

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answers from Cincinnati on

I'm not familiar with these particular diapers. Are you also putting on what we used to call "Rubber pants" over the diaper? They're probably plastic now. They look like baggy panties with elstic around the legs and waist that go over top of the cloth diapers to prevent leaking.

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answers from Cincinnati on

My son was a super soaker at night. We used prefolds folded in thirds and it worked very well for him. It may be bulky at night but he wasn't going anywhere and the bed (and him) stayed dry.



answers from Fort Wayne on

Most one size diapers won't fit until your baby is older and bigger. We have several OS and they absolutely will not fit my baby. She's about two weeks older than yours, and about the same size. She's really tiny too! It sounds like the diaper is gapping at the leg. You can either try to tighten the waist or adjust the rise, but chances are you just need to wait till she's a little bigger in order for them to really work. We use PFs and covers and rarely have issues with leaking. We use disposables at night though. My dd sleeps almost all night and I hate to wake her up to change her. So, sposies it is for a bit!

You should be able order extra inserts from any BG retailer. Honestly, any type of insert will work, it doesn't have to be a BG insert.



answers from Canton on

We used both bungenius and fuzzibunz. Lived them both and used them both at night time. I always used 2 liners at nighttime. She still occassoonslly woke up wet but more often than not it sufficed. The really cool thing about the pocket diapers is you cab stuff them with anything any way you need to. I used a wash cloth/towel once in an emergency lol



answers from Canton on

Hi L.!
Ya know, my sister-in-law said the exact same thing happened with the bg 3.0 and her son. Who by the way is very long and lean as well. (Unfortunately, I think it turned her off of cloth.) Maybe you could try putting a prefold in them, just folding it in thirds like you do with regular covers. I don't know, I've never used those. I just use prefolds and covers. The Thirsties covers work great for my daughter. She is very plump however, so the legs never leak. I would think though that as long as you got the right size they would be fine for your little one. Maybe you need just a pull on cover. Stacinators would probably work for her. You should check those out. As far as night time goes, if she's a heavy wetter I wouldn't use them. You'd probably want to get a soaker (wool or fleece).



answers from Dayton on

I'm not familiar with the organic 3.0's, but my regular BG didn't really fit until 10 lbs. It may just be that she needs a little more chub on her before the fit is just right.



answers from Columbus on

I would have to agree with other posts on the possibility that your baby's legs just need a little more chub. However, the other possibility could be that they need to be stripped. I'm sure you are aware of detergent build-up. If there is a build-up, the dipaers will not be as absorbant. Any cd website will have instructions on how to do this. I had the same problem with my infant and the fuzzibunz. She leaked through the legs. Once she got a little bigger and chubbier, the leaking got better. Good luck!!



answers from Columbus on

I used BG OS pocket diapers on my first and loved them, they rarely leaked. I bought more for baby number two who was tiny and they only worked on her from about 2 months until 6 months. Oce she could sit up, we had leaks out the legs, b/c no matter what I stuffed them with, they gapped on her. I switched to prefolds and covers (not at all hard, but I was intimidated at first) and I never had a leak with her in those, you can fold and adjust them to fit any baby. We used a prefold and snappi under a pul cover ( we used Imse Vimse, Cover your clovers and Litewrap, the Imse Vimse were my favorite). Anyway long story short some one size diapers really don't work on thinner babies and you may want to switch. Remember that you can keep them for later or another baby or sell them on a site like diaperswappers.com ( there is also tons of advice on that site). Good Luck!



answers from Cincinnati on

I LOVE the Bum Genius! We also cloth-diaper, and they certainly don't hold as much as paper diapers. I have to change my cloth-diapered son every hour and a half while he's awake, whereas when he's wearing paper diapers, he can go more like 3 hours. Plus, such young babies pee like every 30 minutes, so those diapers are probably filling fast! I think it's just the nature of the beast. You can cloth diaper at night (I'll be honest - I don't. It's just a hassle, so I use my cloth by day and paper by night) by putting several pre-fold diapers in the diaper for absorbency, but it will make the baby bum very bulky. If you don't know how to fold a prefold diaper, do a Google search. Prefolds can be put in the pockets of the Bum Genius, as well as laid outside the pocket for extra. You may have to wait until your baby is a big bigger, though.

I don't know where Clayton, OH is, but if you're anywhere near Cincinnati, the Park + Vine has free cloth-diapering seminars on Sunday afternoons, or you can just drop in any time to get a one-on-one lesson about how to effectively use the diapers. I bought organic prefolds, Tinkle Traps, Motherease, and Fuzzi Bunz there as well as the Bum Genius. They're a great resource. Good luck!

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