Broadway Costume Ideas

Updated on April 24, 2012
A.S. asks from Clinton, MO
10 answers

My 14 yo SD has a spring program coming up for her choir class, and each kid is supposed to dress up as a character from a Broadway show. Unfortunately, the easy ones like Pink Ladies from Grease, Annie, and Dorothy have of course already been taken. Any suggestions on easy, inexpensive ideas? TIA!

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answers from Appleton on

West Side Story--Maria all you need is a nice white sundress

One of the nuns from Sound of Music you can use a black graduation gown and make a veil.

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answers from Dallas on

PHantom of the opera
Rent (city clothes)
Witch cosutme(Wicked)

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answers from San Francisco on

Any character from Cats, Wicked, Hairspray, Phantom of the Opera, Les Mis, Legally Blonde, West Side Story....

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answers from Lynchburg on

Hi Charliesmom-

How about 'cats'?

A period costume from 'les mis' or 'phantom'?

A 'hippie' type thing from 'godspell'?

A period type costume from 'Hairspray'? A 20's costume from 'The Boyfriend'?

Lots of choices! Have fun!

Best luck!

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answers from Albany on

Any character from CATS?


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answers from Joplin on

Yes, Cats would be easy. My daughter did this one year for a super hero costume. Black leotard and tights, a tail and ears, some black makeup for nose and whiskers.


answers from Kansas City on

Thoroughly Modern Milly. You can get a dress from a thrift store and possibly a hat too. Maybe even shoes if you or she doesn't have any. A drop waisted dress that is solid in color will work just fine. And a any type of hat from that day, which I've seen a lot of at thrift stores. And if the color doesn't match you can spray paint it, the hat that is. LOL I've done costuming for many shows and this is where we get some of our costumes...thrift stores and Salvation Army store. Good luck and God Bless.



answers from Raleigh on

How about Guys and Dolls? Flapper-era costumes are so much fun (and easy to assemble).


answers from Chicago on

The little girl from Les Mis would probably be quite easy--French peasant
Pirate from Pirates of Penzance
Maria from West Side Story



answers from St. Louis on

Don't forget many Disney productions are on Broadway. Phantom of the Opera.

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