faith ploude at mercy hospital in miami is THE BEST
I don't know where you are,
but please get to a IBCLC as soon as possible!
My baby boy 7 weeks old is having problems to gain weight. I'm not producing enough milk...I started taking fenugreek. How long can I take Fenugreek? I'm taking 6 capsules per day...Any other advise to increase the milk production?
Thank you for all the good advises that I received for previoulsy concerns..I'm a new mom and I have a lot of questions :)!!!
faith ploude at mercy hospital in miami is THE BEST
I don't know where you are,
but please get to a IBCLC as soon as possible!
First is your DC gaining at all? If he is, but just not how much the ped wants to see I would ask if the ped is using the new updated growth charts form the WHO (world health org) They are WAY more accurate than the other growth charts. Your DC may be just fine! I was a very small baby/child and was BF until I was 3, I didn't weigh 100lbs until I was 21! My son has taken after me, and I know he is just fine.
I would feed on demand AND offer as much as you can, remember it's supply and demand. Make sure your diet is good and your getting enough water. And the more important thing but not the easiest is to relax and try not to stress, that will effect your supply! I was taking 4 caps of fenugreek 4 times a day to increse my supply that was when my son was about 3mo. If you have a pump, pump when he is asleep if you can.
I would for sure find a local LLL meeting and go or at least call a leader, IMO they can be more helpful that a LC. That's just from what I went through.
Good luck, you CAN do it. Just remember one bottle of artifical baby milk WILL hurt your supply so if your DC's life dosen't need it don't give it!
I am still bfing my 28mo, I worked and pumped until he was 16mo.
Hi V.,
I'm a mother of 4 and I breastfed all of mine and I have had problems in the past with milk production, although I don't know anything about fenugreek, I do know that if you pump between feedings it will help you to produce more milk. Try it, it can't hurt.
Good advice from Pam. Technically you can take Fenugreek with no time limits but the does needs to be right. Please see your pediatrician also because your baby might need to be supplemented with formula. A lactation consultant will be very helpful with the breastfeeding issues. Lastly, take heart not everyone can produce enough milk to sustain their child so don't beat up yourself up. You'll be a great mom. But please seek professional help for the health of your baby.
Good luck! :-)
V., Congratulations on your new baby. My suggestion is to see a lactation consultant and let her assess the baby's breastfeeding and your milk supply. The amount of fenugreek you are taking is not the recommended dose to increase milk supply. You can check out Dr. Jack Newman's information on increasing milk supply with herbs at www.breastfeedingonline.com If I know where you are I can recommend lactation consultants in your area. It is best to have a full picture of milk supply and weight gain issues so moms can be working on the right issue.
P. MazzellaDiBosco, IBCLC, RLC
Birthing and Beyond, Inc.
I might suggest that you drink lots of water! LOTS!!! I have been known to drink a gallon of water in under 5 minutes! I succeeded in nursing my 1 year old and I am beginnig the weening process now. Though it was extremely tough to make it and now I am weary about stopping. Good Luck to you!--C.
Go to the Orlando Regional Education Center and get a Lactation Consultation.... Thay are the best...also mommy and me TEA is a group that meets to talk about this.. Very, Very helpful.
1-321-the-baby. ASK FOR ANNETTE. Don't give Up!!!
ps...pump s oftn as u can with a Medulla pump..you can rent on there!!!!!!
keep up the fenugreek...they have a mothers tea to drink too!!!
I agree strongly with Pam, plus you might also want to find a La Leche League in your area,,,they are wonderful. A one on one with a Lac. Consultant can do wonders - check also with your local WIC office for a Consultant and or Peer counselor. Congrats on your baby and kudos to you for breastfeeding. Not sure if you've tried, but more frequent feedings - helps. Remeber low milk - doesn't mean No milk,,,keep up your feedings.