JUST got done pumping with my Medella, and open this email :) anyway, I have nothing but RAVE REIVIEWS to pass along about the Medella... though it's expensive I know, worth every dime, I see this as my "lifeline". It's EASY to use, it has a plug and/or battery pack option, you can take it discreetly with you and it just looks like a black bag :) it works efficiently and within about 8 or less minutes I have a full bottle for my baby, instead of nursing for, what, about 30 minutes at a pop? Who's got that kind of time, not me with my older toddler running around! I nurse her at night so this way any germs she's encountered will enter ME and my body will make antibodies to give back to her (like a pharmacy!) so if you don't put baby to the breast you don't get that added advantage. But during the days I mostly just pump and feed her a bottle... she does NOT have this "nipple confusion", niether did my toddler when she was nursing, it was never an issue with either baby. Medella breastpump is my lifeline to the world and the inventor should get a gold medal!!!