It is Ok to mix breastmilk and formula. When my son was being weaned he didn't care for the taste of formula so we mixed it with breast milk for a few weeks till he got used to the taste.
Is it OK to mix breastmilk with formula? I am weening off pumping at work during the day, and am only getting about 2-3 oz. Is it OK to mix those 2-3 oz with 2-3oz of formula for a bottle the next day?
Gosh, mixed reviews. I did decide to try it today, mixed, and we will see if she likes it or not. She may turn it away and that will be my answer. I also agree with EBM being precious and would not want to waste it if she doesn't finish the bottle. Fortunately, we haven't had problems with her not finishing a bottle...yet. But that is a very good point. I may try two bottles (one with BM and one with Formula) in the future.
Thanks for all of your feedback!!
It is Ok to mix breastmilk and formula. When my son was being weaned he didn't care for the taste of formula so we mixed it with breast milk for a few weeks till he got used to the taste.
you can mix the two, but I wouldn't. EBM is precious stuff, and I always wanted to make sure she got every last drop. I would hate to mix it, then have her not finish the bottle.
When my son was an infant I my breastmilk started drying up so I started mixing the BM with the formula. The only thing that was bad that happened because of that was that my son got extremely constipated. I asked my doctor and she said it was because double the iron in the BM and formula and to stop mixing them. Three days after I stopped mixing them he finally had a bowel movement and everything was good again. I hope this helps...
It is certianly ok to mix BM and formula. I was told this by the lactation consultant at Christ Hospital. I had called to ask - becasue I didn't have enought bm for a whole bottle. I did that quite a few times - and I do agree with the PP - I think it makes the transition to formula easier for them.
Yes, I did it and had no problem. Like you, I wasn't producing enough to feed my daughter and found the only way I could continue giving her breastmilk was to also supplement with the formula. Eventually, I had to switch over to formula and the transition was easier because I had mixed them.
I was told at the NICU that it is okay to mix breastmilk and formula as along as your formula is 20 calories per ounce as that is the same as breastmilk. We mixed and it was fine. If you find that it is bothering your baby then maybe alternate with BM and formula. Congrats.
My daughter was also born in September 2006, and I just recently weaned her. I have read that it is not safe to mix formula and breast milk in the same bottle. They need to be kept seperate. For a while my daughter was getting some feedings of breast milk and some of formula, and she had some loose stools because of it, but no other problems. Now she is on formula and baby food, and she does not have anymore loose stools. Good luck!
Contrary to what the PP have said, I believe it is best to mix the formula and breast milk. It helps make an easier transition for baby. It's the same way you change formulas- you should mix them and gradually switch.
I would check with a lactation consultant and the hospital where you delivered. The website www.kelleymom.com that has a lot of info.
It is recommended not to mix breast milk and formula together, but rather feed the 2-3 oz. of breast milk and then the 2-3 oz. of formula. Plus, if your baby happens not to finish the bottle, the breast milk does not go wasted.
I would say to give her the breastmilk first and then give her the formula right after. So have two bottles ready. If you mix the two, you may waste the breastmilk if she doesn't finish the milk.
No, you should save up a couple of pumpings of breastmilk and combine them into one larger bottle and then have a separate bottle of formula.
Yes - I was pumping with my 2nd and was not producing enouph, when I spoke to his ped. she told me to mix it. I never had a problem and he is now a health 1 yr old. I would make the mixed bottle and have a back up formula bottle to be certain that he had all the bm. It is a little more work but at least I knew he finished the bm.