If you have extra milk and the extra time at home to pump, then try that to take the edge off and freeze the milk for later growth spurts when she'll want more and you aren't producing at the higher rate. You'll both be very glad you did.
I even wonder if you can pump one side at the same time she is nursing one side, since she is only taking one side? It would have been too much for me to handle, but some mom's are pretty clever.
You must be doing a very thorough job of pumping at work to have so much extra milk when you're home. So if you want the production to taper off, then you could probably pump for less time or cut back on one pumping session?
And the best cure for your clogged duct is to have the baby empty your breast while you simultaneously massage the sore area, thereby assisting with the milk flow. I had one duct that always backed up, and I always had to massage during nursing. The position of the baby's mouth can hinder the lactiferous glands from emptying properly. So your manual massage of the tender spots helps.
GL!! It's great news though that you are making plenty of milk for your baby!!